What People Are Saying About Bruce
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“Bruce, you delighted and befuddled the Firespring crew with your magic tricks. I have heard nothing but great things!”
– Amy Lehernt, Firespring, Lincoln NE
“Bruce performed for us tonight and we were amazed and entertained. And we laughed very hard; even the people who don’t usually laugh!”
– Erin Pemberton, Attorney, Wolfe Snowden Law Firm, Lincoln NE
“Bruce brings a quality presentation with a strong, positive message to his shows!”
– Judy Bauer, Media Specialist, Washington Elementary, Omaha NE
“We really enjoyed having Bruce come and do two shows for our school. The kids were very entertained and amazed by his magic.”
– Scott Nelson, Principal, Lakeview Elementary School, Lincoln NE
“Bruce just blew our minds! The kids had a fantastic time.”
– Derek Steinacher, Children’s Ministry Director, Horizons Church, Lincoln NE
“Bruce went above and beyond what I hired him for! He also did a great job communicating the Gospel and other Biblical truths.”
– Tim Roesch, Director of Program Operations, Maranatha Bible Camp, Maxwell NE
“The kids had a fantastic time. Bruce was fantastic. The kids and adults loved the show.”
– Christiana Grosshans, Mother of Birthday Child, Wesley, Lincoln NE
“Thank you so much, Bruce for making McKenna’s 9th birthday so memorable! The kids loved the tricks and I think you truly stumped them.”
– Kristi Baer, Parent of Birthday Child McKenna, Kearney NE
“Colorful Magic by Bruce is a fun and engaging show for our many visitors. Bruce’s connection and humor with each one of his shows truly gives our guests a memorable experience!”
– Josh Kadavy, Owner JK’S Pumpkin Patch, Lincoln NE
“We booked Bruce for our 2013 Blue and Gold Banquet. He did a great job and kept the scouts and their families entertained. Everybody was entertained!”
– Larry Adams, Scout Master, Pack #3, Eagle NE
“Bruce combined education and fun, all in one show! He kept the attention of our children, who range from age 3 up to 13.”
– Dawn Robinson, Director/Owner, World of Knowledge, Lincoln NE
“Thank you for taking part in our 2014 Fun Night. The kids loved having you there to amaze them with your talents!”
Kelly Potts, Adams Elementary PTO, Lincoln NE
“Bruce was very good! The kids were entertained and loved making the balloons.”
– Amber, Teacher, NE YMCA, Lincoln NE